Add Users to a Active Directory Group with Powershell and remove them from the old group

Moving a big amount of Users from one AD Group to another can be easily done with Powershell. 

At first create a .txt file where you can copy all of your Users you want to remove from an old AD Group and add them to a new one. I called this "userslist.exe" and placed it under C:\Users\etc

Things you need to replace are marked in RED

$users = Get-Content C:\YOUR_PATH\userslist.txt
$userId = @()

foreach ($user in $users) {
$userId += Get-ADUser $user

#AD Group Binding
$oldGroup = Get-ADGroup 'YOUR_OLD_GROUP_NAME'
$newGroup = Get-ADGroup ' YOUR_NEW_GROUP_NAME'

foreach ($user in $userId) {

   Remove-ADGroupMember -Identity $oldGroup -Members $user -Confirm:$false
   Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $newGroup -Members $user -Confirm:$false


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