Frozen Citrix Server

A customer had the issue that some servers randomly froze. It was always another server and there was no schema so we could say when it will happen.
In the event viewer of the server you'll see a time lag for the log entries.

In the screenshots below, you’ll see that single entries get an old date and afterwards it will jump back to the actual date. This happened at all the frozen Servers.
The events itself are irrelevant. There are always new events independently from source and status. Additional the date was always 4.12 and time 8:41

Suggestion: the Server gets a wrong time and this caused the error

Solution: after we checked the NTP settings we saw that the VMICTimeProvider is still activated. You need it that the guest synchronizes the time with the host. We disabled the provider so that the server only gets its time from the NTP.
Afterwards we didn’t had the freezing problem anymore. 


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